Is Your Computer Running Out of Time?

Let’s face it, computers are not for life. Time

As soon as you buy it it’s out of date and, sooner or later, it will start to give up the ghost.

Slowly at first, just the odd programme crashing, or it takes an age to wake up in the morning, or it just gets incredibly s-l-o-w.

And then you get some computers that just like to complain about the time.

What are we on about?

Well, have you noticed that when some computers are getting on a bit, or if they’ve been used every day of their manufactured lives, they get tired and eventually their clock dies?

One of the sure signs of that happening is when, upon start up, you have to press F1 to get your computer to continue its loading process so Windows can be launched.

For the more technically minded of you, a more accurate description of the above is that the CMOS (Complemetary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) battery on the main-board dies.

Before you panic, this isn’t the end of the world because they can be easily replaced and once they’ve been configured to the correct time in the computer’s BIOS (Basic Input Output System), they’ll last as long as the last battery.

So, if any of that sounds familiar, get the CMOS battery replaced as soon as you can.

MPM Computer Consultancy provides IT Services, Support and Training to sole traders and small businesses in Ipswich. Bury St Edmunds and surrounding villages.
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