Help! Blue Screen of Death

You’ve been there, working away at your computer to your heart’s content. The report BSODyou’ve been writing for the past few days is almost complete. Suddenly everything seems to slow down. Your heart beats faster. Beads of sweat appear on your brow. And then it happens – the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).

We had a customer who kept receiving BSOD messages. They were totally random and the code varied making it very difficult to work out what was happening.

Working through the usual list of suspects we:

  • Checked the hardware
  • Reinstalled the latest software drivers to the device manager
  • Changed the RAM chips
  • Altered extension cables that ran from the keyboard and mouse

Nothing seemed to make any difference.

Then we ran scans, checked the Windows configuration, un-installed unwanted application software…still nothing.

As we were non the wiser about what was causing it, we asked our client to note every instance of it happening. It turned out to be every time they either went online, or after they’d been online looking at their emails. But there was no pattern.

There was only one thing left to do.

We supplied our client with a new keyboard and mouse. That seemed to do the trick as they’ve not had a BSOD since.

That just goes to show, sometimes the simplest of answers offer the solution to a problem.

MPM Computer Consultancy provides IT Services, Support and Training to sole traders and small businesses in Ipswich. Bury St Edmunds and surrounding villages.



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